The Benefits of Outdoor Play for Young Children

June 6th, 2023 10:15 am

Outdoor play is an essential component of a child’s development, offering a myriad of benefits beyond physical fitness. As young children explore the natural environment, they engage in valuable experiences that enhance their education, communication skills, and overall well-being.

Here at ARC Structures, we are one of the UK’s leading providers of tensile fabric structures. We work with schools and educational organisations big and small across the country, to create engaging and vibrant outdoor learning environments.  In this article we delve into the numerous advantages of outdoor learning throughout the year, highlighting the importance of outdoor play spaces for schools and learning environments.

Outdoor Play and Cognitive Development

Outdoor play provides a rich and stimulating environment for young children, fostering their cognitive development in various ways:

Sensory Stimulation:

The outdoors offers a wealth of sensory experiences that cannot be replicated indoors. Children can explore different textures, sights, sounds, and smells, stimulating their senses and enhancing their cognitive abilities.

Problem-Solving Skills:

Outdoor play often presents children with unique challenges and opportunities for problem-solving. Whether it’s building structures, navigating obstacles, or cooperating in group activities, children develop critical thinking and decision-making skills while engaging in outdoor play.

Creativity and Imagination:

The open-ended nature of outdoor play encourages children to use their imagination and creativity. Natural elements such as rocks, sticks, and sand provide versatile materials that can transform into anything a child’s imagination desires, fostering creative thinking and self-expression.

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School canopy

Outdoor Play and Physical Health and Fitness

Outdoor play is instrumental in promoting physical health and fitness among young children:

Active Lifestyles:

Playing outdoors encourages children to engage in physical activities, such as running, jumping, climbing, and playing sports. Regular physical exercise helps develop gross motor skills, coordination, and balance, contributing to overall physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

Vitamin D Intake:

Spending time outdoors exposes children to natural sunlight, allowing their bodies to produce vitamin D. This essential nutrient aids in calcium absorption, promoting healthy bone development and reducing the risk of conditions such as rickets.

Active Play vs. Sedentary Behaviour:

Outdoor play provides an alternative to sedentary activities, such as watching television or using electronic devices. By encouraging children to play outdoors, we can combat the growing concerns of childhood obesity and sedentary lifestyles.

Discover ARC Structure’s outdoor classroom build >

Playground canopies

Outdoor Play’s Impact on Social and Emotional Development

Outdoor play facilitates social interaction and emotional growth among young children:

Communication Skills:

Outdoor play offers opportunities for children to interact, communicate, and cooperate with their peers. Engaging in collaborative play fosters the development of social skills, such as sharing, turn-taking, and conflict resolution.

Emotional Well-being:

Nature has a calming and therapeutic effect on children’s emotional well-being. The open spaces and natural elements promote a sense of freedom, reduce stress levels, and contribute to positive mental health.

Teamwork and Collaboration:

Outdoor play often involves group activities, allowing children to learn how to work together, negotiate roles, and share responsibilities. These experiences foster teamwork, empathy, and a sense of belonging.

Outdoor Play and Educational Opportunities

Outdoor play provides a plethora of educational benefits for young children:

Science and Nature Exploration:

The natural environment serves as a living laboratory for scientific exploration. Outdoor play allows children to observe and interact with plants, animals, and natural phenomena, fostering an early interest in science and nature.

Environmental Awareness:

Through outdoor play, children develop a deep appreciation and understanding of the environment. They learn about sustainability, conservation, and the importance of taking care of our planet.

Language and Literacy Skills:

The outdoor environment stimulates language development as children engage in conversations, describe their experiences, and use vocabulary related to nature and the world around them. Outdoor play also provides opportunities for storytelling and imaginative play, promoting literacy skills.

School Shade canopies

The Role of Tensile Canopies in Outdoor Learning Environments

To maximise the benefits of outdoor play, schools and learning environments can consider installing tensile canopies in their playgrounds. Tensile canopies provide a cost-effective solution to expand outdoor spaces, offering numerous advantages:

Weather Protection:

Tensile canopies create a sheltered space that allows outdoor play to continue in various weather conditions, including rain or excessive sun exposure. This ensures children can enjoy the benefits of outdoor play throughout the year.


Increased Outdoor Learning Opportunities:

The installation of tensile canopies expands the usable outdoor space, providing more room for activities, exploration, and learning. This allows educators to incorporate outdoor learning experiences into their curriculum, further enhancing the educational benefits of outdoor play.


Flexibility and Versatility:

Tensile canopies can be designed and customised to fit the specific needs and aesthetics of the learning environment. They can cover designated play areas, create shaded seating spaces, or serve as outdoor classrooms, offering flexibility in how the outdoor space is utilized.


Enhanced Aesthetics:

Tensile canopies add an architectural element to the outdoor area, enhancing the visual appeal of the learning environment. Their sleek and modern design can complement the surrounding buildings and create an inviting outdoor space for children.

Why not take a look at our ultimate guide to tensile structures >

Playground canopy

Partnering with ARC Structures for Tensile Canopy Installations

Outdoor play is a vital aspect of a child’s development, providing a range of benefits extending beyond physical fitness. It enhances cognitive development, promotes physical health, fosters social and emotional skills, and offers valuable educational opportunities. To fully leverage the advantages of outdoor play, schools and learning environments can consider installing tensile canopies, which expand outdoor spaces and provide a cost-effective solution.

By partnering with ARC Structures, schools can create engaging and versatile outdoor environments that enhance the well-being, education, and overall development of young children. Embracing the benefits of outdoor play and investing in outdoor learning spaces contributes to a holistic approach to education, fostering the growth and potential of future generations. We offer a complete full service offering from consultation, design, project management and installation.(not sure you need the comma after offering?)

So, why not get in touch with one of our friendly professionals today. With expertise in designing and constructing tensile structures, we ensure a seamless installation process and high-quality results. Our experience in working with various projects of different scales positions us as a trusted provider for expanding outdoor spaces and enhancing the benefits of outdoor play.

Alternatively, take a look at our projects to see how our tensile structures have been used.